Public Perception of Genetically Modified Organisms and the Implementation of Biosafety Measures in Kenya


Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are an important nexus of biotechnology, agriculture, and research. GMOs have gained popularity because of their potential to address global food insecurity. However, the widespread adoption of GMOs has sparked debates and controversies. This study collected data on the threats and effects of the GMO ban and the status of implementation of Biosafety Act and Cartagena Protocol on biosafety in Kenya. The findings are important in addressing gaps in the current GMO regulations and implementation aimed at increasing awareness of GMO technology as well as informing policy on biotechnology.

Kunyanga Nkirote Catherine, B. Roy Mugiira, N. Josephat Muchiri, “Public Perception of Genetically Modified Organisms and the Implementation of Biosafety Measures in Kenya”, Advances in Agriculture, vol. 2024, Article ID 5544617, 15 pages, 2024.

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