Developing the radiation-based sterile insect technique (SIT) for controlling Aedes aegypti: identification of a sterilizing dose


The sterile insect technique (SIT) is emerging as a tool to supplement traditional pesticide-based control of Aedes aegypti, a prominent mosquito vector of microbes that has increased the global burden of human morbidity and mortality over the past 50 years. SIT relies on rearing, sterilizing and releasing large numbers of male mosquitoes that will mate with fertile wild females, thus reducing production of offspring from the target population.

Chen, C., Aldridge, R. L., Gibson, S., Kline, J., Aryaprema, V., Qualls, W., … & Hahn, D. A. (2023). Developing the radiation‐based sterile insect technique (SIT) for controlling Aedes aegypti: identification of a sterilizing dose. Pest Management Science79(3), 1175-1183.