Post-release monitoring pathway for the deployment of gene drive-modified mosquitoes for malaria control in Africa

Gene drive-modified mosquitoes (GDMMs) have been promoted as one of the innovative technologies that may control and eliminate malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. Several products are in early stages of development, targeting either population suppression or population modification of the mosquito vector. However, there is no direct experience of conducting risk assessment for environmental releases and subsequent policies regarding conditions for post-release. This study was carried out to gain additional insights on the possible post-release concerns that may arise, as they may inform future risk assessment and planning for deployment.

Ogoyi, D.O., Njagi, J., Tonui, W. et al. Post-release monitoring pathway for the deployment of gene drive-modified mosquitoes for malaria control in Africa. Malar J 23, 351 (2024).

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